Our textbook Sendas literarias 2 comprises five units, each organized around a central theme. Each unit's literary selections reflect and explore diverse aspects of the central theme. Colorful illustrations, photographs, and works of art also add coherence to the unit and support the reading themes. Units have been subdivided into lessons, each lesson following a predictable pattern of pre-reading, reading, and post reading activities. The organization of each lesson and its activities can be conceptualized as bringing students "into the text," guiding them "through the reading," and extending their comprehension and language skills "beyond the text." The following summary will familiarize you with the goals and typical activities of each of the lesson sections.
Alistémonos para leer
Alistémonos para leer consists of pre-reading ("into") activities that set readers on a literary journey by sparking their interest and preparing them to comprehend and interact with the text. These activities allow students to establish a personal connection with the theme of the reading, call attention to what they already know about the theme, and build the knowledge they need to comprehend the text. Students will also establish a purpose for reading by setting goals, anticipating or making predictions about the passage, and posing questions that the text could potentially answer. The vocabulary boxes prepare the students for the readings and provide with indispensable hints about the literature that they are about to read.
Leamos activamente
Leamos activamente, or reading ("through") activities, are designed to promote the learners' active engagement and interaction with the lesson's literary selection. As students read, they will be asked to establish connections between different elements or portions of the text and to think about how the text connects to their own personal experiences. 'While reading, students will also explore their reactions to the passage by summarizing, asking and answering questions, predicting what will occur, drawing references and conclusions, reflecting on the theme, and evaluating the issues presented. Through dramatization, journal writing, graphic organizers, and other techniques, students interact with the text to create meanings and interpret the literary selection.
Ampliemos nuestra comprensión
In Ampliemos nuestra comprensión, students use the knowledge they constructed by interacting with the reading to deepen their comprehension of the text, integrate the reading skills with other skill areas, and extend the theme of the reading in new directions. As students move "beyond the text," they will synthesize ideas; refine, modify, and extend prior knowledge; critically analyze positions presented in the text; and consider alternatives to the contents of the reading. The goal of the final set of activities is to strengthen and refine student understanding and extend the text into the future as students' reading and speaking capabilities develop over time.
exploremos el lenguaje
Exploremos el lenguale reviews the appropriate grammar for the readings included in each lesson. This section approaches grammar structures contextually, addressing grammar applications as they appear in the reading selections. As a model to further comprehension and clarity quotes from the text itself are used as examples for the grammar point. The grammar lessons are considered part of the reading process, as opposed to the traditional grammar approach that has been proven less effective in comprehension or communication-based language activities.
Creemos Literatura
Creemos literatura fosters student creativity by providing a wealth of interesting activities that are at the appropriate level of difficulty. The writing exercises included in this section give students an opportunity to compile a portfolio of work. Placed at the end of each lesson, Creemos literatura provides detailed and structured writing activities that guide the students through writing process.